Driving Directions:

Trailhead is on Rt. 123/124 in New Ipswich, NH, 0.5 miles south of the junction of Rt. 123 and Rt. 124 and across the street from Wapack Road.

About the Hike:

Kidder Mountain's near-summit clearing features wide views of southern NH and into Boston. The first part of the hike follows a section of the 22-mile Wapack Trail. From the parking area, the trail winds through the woods, soon crossing a clearing behind a house. Re-entering the forest, the trail next turns left onto an old road and follows it out to a power line clearing. In 0.6 miles from the parking area, turn right onto Kidder Mountain Trail. The trail follows the power lines for a short distance, then turns into the woods and begins to climb. The trail climbs moderately, passing many open, logged areas. It ends at a large, rocky meadow near the summit, 0.9 miles from the Wapack Trail. From the clearing, there is a beautiful view of southern NH. If you look closely, you can see the Boston skyline.


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